Friday, September 1, 2006

Rationalists Art Party 2008 - 6.21.08

Maybe I'll just leave it all set up and start a restaurant. Ya know, without food.

Cayenne Cafe

Busy, busy, busy...

Danielle, entranced in/by creative greatness

Trish's glitter clay floral sculpture (pardon the lousy washed-out pic)
Jim Rockoff's water color leaves and models
Ian went a little Pollock on us (without the drunken womanizing piece)
Kyla's dysfunctional cloud
Prolific, Kyla creates a second piece and declares "it's about child abuse. Nobody can say your art is bad if you say it's about child abuse." Brilliant strategy that I will begin to employ immediately.
Lisa's trippy dippy Amoeba Man
Mr. Rockoff demonstrates the proper use of a chaise lounge, stricken by a faux case of the vapors
"Family Tree" -- a serendipitous sale to the woman in plaid. It does gaze adoringly at her...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

-- "it's about child abuse. Nobody can say your art is bad if you say it's about child abuse."
-- I love her. :D